A global campaign to help the poorest victims of A-NBK's fraud!

A-NBK is a business services and accounting firm based in Dubai United Arab Emirates run by the millionaire brothers Ali & Nasser Binkhadem Al Shamsi supported in legal services by their older brother Khalifa Binkhadem AlShamsi with the Tunisian woman Hadya bint Hassan Al-Majri their operations manager. While most of their unwitting victims are the the super rich it was only when a non-profit, Omnibenevolence, was introduced to them and questioned the ever increasing fees that their fraudulent activity was identified.

Through these pages, over the coming months, we will be documenting the entirety of the dishonest activities they employ to extract HUGE sums of money from anyone who is unfortunate enough to cross their path. False identities, fake emails, fraudulent invoices will all be detailed here.

We will also be documenting the failure of the UAE government and their embassies across the world to tackle the dishonesty of this firm.

“(As for) those who swallow the property of the orphans unjustly, surely they only swallow fire into their bellies and they shall enter burning fire.” (Surah an-Nisa’ 4:10).